--> Project V - 28. Jam Analog Pada TFT LCD 2'4 Inch berbasis Arduino Uno | Tutorial arduino lengkap

Friday, August 4, 2017

Project V - 28. Jam Analog Pada TFT LCD 2'4 Inch berbasis Arduino Uno

| Friday, August 4, 2017
Jam Analog Pada TFT LCD 2'4 Inch

Sistem Kerja Alat

Membuat tampilan jam analog dengan LCD touch screen TFT 2’4” dengan Arduino UNO sebagai pemrosesnya.

Kebutuhan Hardware

  • Arduino UNO Board
  • Modul LCD TFT 2’4” Shield.
  • Power Supply 7-9 Vdc

Modul LCD TFT 2’4” Shield (Source)


Koneksi Arduino UNO dengan modul LCD TFT 2’4” tinggal dipasangkan ke pin header Arduino, seperti shield2 yang lain. Koneksi Arduino UNO dengan modul TFT LCD Shield :

Library yang digunakan adalah SPFD5408_Adafruit_TFTLCD.h Anda instal dulu librarinya.

Source Code/Sketch
#include <SPFD5408_Adafruit_TFTLCD.h>
#define LCD_CS A3
#define LCD_CD A2
#define LCD_WR A1
#define LCD_RD A0
#define LCD_RESET A4
// Agar warna mudah dimengerti (Human Readable color):
#define TFT_BLACK 0x0000
#define TFT_BLUE 0x001F
#define TFT_RED 0xF800
#define TFT_GREEN 0x07E0
#define TFT_CYAN 0x07FF
#define TFT_MAGENTA 0xF81F
#define TFT_YELLOW 0xFFE0
#define TFT_WHITE 0xFFFF
#define TFT_GREY 0x5AEB
float sx = 0, sy = 1, mx = 1, my = 0, hx = -1, hy = 0;
float sdeg = 0, mdeg = 0, hdeg = 0;
uint16_t osx = 120, osy = 120, omx = 120, omy = 120, ohx = 120, ohy = 120;
int16_t x0 = 0, x1 = 0, yy0 = 0, yy1 = 0, x00 = 0, yy00 = 0;
uint32_t targetTime = 0;
uint16_t xpos;
uint8_t conv2d(const char* p) {
uint8_t v = 0;
if ('0' <= *p && *p <= '9')
v = *p - '0';
return 10 * v + *++p - '0';
uint8_t hh = conv2d(__TIME__), mm = conv2d(__TIME__ + 3), ss = conv2d(__TIME__ + 6);
boolean initial = 1;
char d;
void setup(void) {
tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE);// text color
tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK);// background color
xpos = tft.width() / 2;
tft.drawCircle(xpos, 120, 125, TFT_YELLOW);
tft.fillCircle(xpos, 120, 118, TFT_BLUE);
tft.fillCircle(xpos, 120, 110, TFT_BLACK);
for (int a=95; a<104; a++){
tft.drawCircle(xpos, 120, a, TFT_WHITE);}
for (int i = 0; i < 360; i += 30) {
sx = cos((i - 90) * 0.0174532925);
sy = sin((i - 90) * 0.0174532925);
x0 = sx * 114 + xpos;
yy0 = sy * 114 + 120;
x1 = sx * 100 + xpos;
yy1 = sy * 100 + 120;
tft.drawLine(x0, yy0, x1, yy1, TFT_YELLOW);
for (int i = 0; i < 360; i += 6) {
sx = cos((i - 90) * 0.0174532925);
sy = sin((i - 90) * 0.0174532925);
x0 = sx * 102 + xpos;
yy0 = sy * 102 + 120;
x00 = sx * 92 + xpos;
yy00 = sy * 92 + 120;
// Draw minute markers
tft.drawPixel(x0, yy0, TFT_GREEN);
tft.drawLine(x0, yy0, x00, yy00, TFT_BLACK);
tft.drawLine(x0+1, yy0+1, x00+1, yy00+1, TFT_BLACK);
// Draw main quadrant dots
if (i == 0 || i == 180) tft.fillCircle(x0, yy0, 2, TFT_WHITE);
if (i == 90 || i == 270) tft.fillCircle(x0, yy0, 2, TFT_WHITE);
tft.fillCircle(xpos, 121, 3, TFT_WHITE);
targetTime = millis() + 1000;
void loop() {
if (targetTime < millis()) {
targetTime = millis() + 1000;
if (ss == 60) {
ss = 0;
if (mm > 59) {
mm = 0;
if (hh > 23) {
hh = 0;
sdeg = ss * 6; // 0-59 -> 0-354
mdeg = mm * 6 + sdeg * 0.01666667; // 0-59 -> 0-360 - includes seconds, but these increments are not used
hdeg = hh * 30 + mdeg * 0.0833333; // 0-11 -> 0-360 - includes minutes and seconds, but these increments are not used
hx = cos((hdeg - 90) * 0.0174532925);
hy = sin((hdeg - 90) * 0.0174532925);
mx = cos((mdeg - 90) * 0.0174532925);
my = sin((mdeg - 90) * 0.0174532925);
sx = cos((sdeg - 90) * 0.0174532925);
sy = sin((sdeg - 90) * 0.0174532925);
if (ss == 0 || initial) {
initial = 0;
// Erase hour and minute hand positions every minute
tft.drawLine(ohx, ohy, xpos, 121, TFT_BLACK);
ohx = hx * 62 + xpos + 1;
ohy = hy * 62 + 121;
tft.drawLine(omx, omy, xpos, 121, TFT_BLACK);
omx = mx * 84 + xpos;
omy = my * 84 + 121;
// Redraw new hand positions, hour and minute hands not erased here to avoid flicker
tft.drawLine(osx, osy, xpos, 121, TFT_BLACK);
osx = sx * 90 + xpos + 1;
osy = sy * 90 + 121;
tft.drawLine(osx, osy, xpos, 121, TFT_RED);
tft.drawLine(ohx, ohy, xpos, 121, TFT_CYAN);
tft.drawLine(omx, omy, xpos, 121, TFT_WHITE);
tft.drawLine(osx, osy, xpos, 121, TFT_RED);
tft.fillCircle(xpos, 121, 3, TFT_RED);
tft.setCursor(xpos-55, 50);
// Draw MINI clock face "SECOND"
tft.drawCircle(xpos, 155, 20, TFT_YELLOW);
tft.drawCircle(xpos, 155, 18, TFT_BLUE);
tft.drawCircle(xpos, 155, 17, TFT_CYAN);
tft.drawCircle(xpos, 155, 16, TFT_CYAN);
tft.fillRect(xpos-10, 149,22,15,TFT_BLACK); //erase
if(ss<10){tft.setCursor(xpos-10, 149); tft.setTextSize(2);
tft.print('0'); tft.setCursor(xpos+2, 149);}
tft.setCursor(xpos-10, 149);}
// Draw MINI clock face "Minutes"
tft.drawCircle(xpos+35, 117, 20, TFT_YELLOW);
tft.drawCircle(xpos+35, 117, 18, TFT_BLUE);
tft.drawCircle(xpos+35, 117, 17, TFT_CYAN);
tft.drawCircle(xpos+35, 117, 16, TFT_CYAN);
tft.fillRect(xpos+25, 111,22,15,TFT_BLACK); //erase
if(mm<10){tft.setCursor(xpos+25, 111); tft.setTextSize(2);
tft.print('0'); tft.setCursor(xpos+37, 111);}
tft.setCursor(xpos+25, 111);}
// Draw MINI clock face "Hour"
tft.drawCircle(xpos-35, 117, 20, TFT_YELLOW);
tft.drawCircle(xpos-35, 117, 18, TFT_BLUE);
tft.drawCircle(xpos-35, 117, 17, TFT_CYAN);
tft.drawCircle(xpos-35, 117, 16, TFT_CYAN);
tft.fillRect(xpos-45, 111,22,15,TFT_BLACK); //erase
if(hh<10){tft.setCursor(xpos-45, 111); tft.setTextSize(2);
tft.print('0'); tft.setCursor(xpos-33, 111);}
tft.setCursor(xpos-45, 111);}
//tft.setCursor(xpos-65, 111);
if (hh>=0 && hh<12) d='A'; else {d='P';}
tft.fillRect(xpos-11, 75,23,15,TFT_BLACK); //erase
tft.setCursor(xpos-11, 75);

Jalannya Alat

Pada modul TFT LCD Shield akan tampil sebuah jam analog, dengan 2 jarum penunjuk jam. Ditambah tampilan angka untuk Jam, Menit dan Detik.

Video Project V - 28. Jam Analog Pada TFT LCD 2'4 Inch berbasis Arduino Uno


KONTAK KAMI 085743320570 (adi sanjaya)

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